The Government of Jammu and Kashmir exonerated Block Medical Officer (BMO), Surankote and other doctors of sub district hospital in alleged negligence in death of 35 years old woman cancer patient on 10th July 2022.
“The Inquiry Report submitted by the Inquiry Officer is hereby accepted and sanction is hereby accorded to exonerate Dr. Mohd Anwar (Retd.), the then BMO, SDH Surankote and Dr. Ishtiaq Malik, Medical Officer, NHM, SDH Surankote and drop the charges levelled against them. Revoke the suspension of Dr. Mohd Anwar (Retd.), the then BMO SDH Surankote w.e.f. 30.07.2022, i.e. one day prior to his normal date of retirement on 31.07.2022 and treat the intervening period of suspension w.e.f. 12.07.2022, as on duty and reinstate Dr. Ishtiaq Malik, Medical Officer, NHM, SDH Surankote and treat his period of suspension as on duty”, govt order no. 431-JK(HME) of 2023, dated 24/05/2023, reads.
“A cancer patient namely Nelofar (35) wife of Mohd Hamid Khan resident of Village Pamrote, Tehsil Surankote, District Poonch, who was brought to Sub District Hospital, Surankote at around 7:00 PM on 10.07.2022, died in the Hospital, allegedly due to negligence of hospital staff on duty. Whereas
, vide Government Order No. 495-JK(HME) of 2022 dated 12.07.2022, Dr. Mohd Anwar, BMO, SDH Surankote and Dr. Ishtiaq Malik, Medical Officer, NHM, SDH Surankote were placed under suspension for remaining on unauthorized absence from duties on 10.07.2022.Vide Memorandum No. HME-HRM/61/2022-02 dated 15.07.2022, Dr. Mohd Anwar, BMO, SDH Surankote and Dr. Ishtiaq Malik, Medical Officer, NHM, SDH Surankote were charge sheeted in terms of rule 33 of J&K Civil Service, both the doctors furnished their written statement of defense, denying the charges/allegations levelled against them”, the Govt order further reads.
“Vide Government Order No. 114-JK (HME) of 2013 dated 03.02.2023 read with Government Order No. 266-JK (HME) of 2023 dated 31.03.2023, Dr. Samir Mattoo, Project Director, J&K AIDS Control Society was appointed as Inquiry Officer to enquire into the charges framed against the alleged doctors, besides, Chief Medical Officer, Poonch was also appointed as Presenting Officer in the instant case. Vide communication No.JKSACS/Adm/ 2023/14 dated 08.04.2023, the Inquiry Officer (Project Director, JKACS) has submitted his report, wherein, he has stated that Dr. Mohammad Anwar, the then BMO Surankote had tried twice to contact the CMO Poonch, telephonically for seeking station leave permission on the auspicious occasion of Eid-UI-Azha, but he could not get “, the orthrough due to bad weather condition and network failure”, the order reveals.
“However, as an Administrative Officer, while exercising his powers, he had temporarily assigned the charge to Dr. Safina, the senior most Medical Officer and passed a proper Order. When the said patient was brought to the hospital, Dr. Arshad Bajjar alongwith other staff members properly checked her and administered the required medicines while telephonically consulting from Delhi ENT Surgeon from whom she was getting the requisite treatment for her disease, but unfortunately, she succumbed due to Medical complication at around 8.45 PM”, the order further divulged, adding that Dr. Ishtiaq, Medical Officer was suffering from Glaucoma and was unable to perform night duty, therefore, on his request, Dr. Safina engaged Dr. Arshad Bajjar (ISM) to perform the night duty in place of Dr. Ishtiaq Malik.