“The Divisional Administration of Jammu played an important role to bring peace back, despite well planned conspiracy hatched by the anti-social elements. ADGP Jammu Mukesh Singh and Div Com Jammu Ramesh Kumar had camped in Chenab Valley region to bring peace. The efforts at top level gave positive and much need results to restore peace”
Defeating communalism after communal tension broke out in Chenab valley timely and decisive action taken by the J&K Administration has contributed a lot to restore in the vulnerable region without any loss of life.
Despite being calm for more than a week, when a TV debate attracted attention of one all over a religious issue, on Thursday (June 9), a provocative statement of a religious leader from a mosque in Bhaderewah town, spread like wild fire in entire J&K with no time. Taking the matter seriously, the administration snapped internet service in Chenab valley region and also imposed restriction to prevent any kind of tension.

ADGP Jammu Mukesh Singh and Divisional Commissioner Jammu Ramesh Kumar remained stationed in Chenab valley to closely monitor the situation, now the strenuous efforts of the divisional administration have started giving result.
As the restrictions imposed on Thursday last week under section 144, have been lifted today from whole of the Doda district except Bhaderwah town. On Monday, the Deputy Commissioner Vikas Sharma along with Abdul Qayoom, SSP Doda reviewed the law-and-order situation across the district and also conducted round of Doda town.
During visit the Deputy Commissioner urged the locals to maintain communal harmony, tranquility, peace, besides asked not to indulge in any activity having potential of breaching law and order situation. Markets were opened in Doda, Thatri and Gandoh markets and people across all section of society expressed their happiness over the removal of restrictions. Meanwhile, situation in Bhaderwah is also normal and situation is continuously been assessed.