If the lawyers have to adopt agitational path for redressal of their demands then one can imagine as to how the Non serious the government is towards the plight of Lawyers fraternity coupled with that of litigants at large!
Mohd Irfan

With LGs administration not doing the needful for the lawyers fraternity which they are demanding the construction of multi-tier building in Court complex Janipur meaning thereby housing of the CAT, ART, CRT and other tribunals in the court complex for which the lawyers fraternity are on strike seeking fulfillment of their demands.
Bar Association Jammu under the leadership of Senior Advocate MK bhardwaj today took out bike rally from the Court complex Janipur and after passing through the different chowks panjtirthi and culminated at the Tawi bridge. Lawyers’ fraternity in anger staged massive protest against the LGs administration amidst chanting of Slogans against them and also carrying black flags as a mark of resentment against the administration. Lawyers also blocked the tawi bridge for several hours and categorically apprised the LGs administration that in the interest of lawyers and litigants housing all the courts in the Court complex so that the lawyer’s fraternity not suffered immensely as due to the shifting of the courts post abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35- A lawyers profession affected to a great extent as such we are seeking the construction of multi-tier construction complex in the Court complex. Sooner it would be done better it would be in the interest of lawyers’ fraternity.

While addressing the lawyers, Senior Advocate MK Bhardwaj said “Had the LGs administration fulfilled the demands of us of construction of multi-tier complex in Court complex Janipur we would not adopt the agitational path but given the apathetic and indifferent attitude of the LGs administration we are left with no other option then to resort to the protests” President bar Association vehemently said while talking to media persons on the sidelines of the protest demonstration.
“This housing of multi-tier Complex in the courts not only beneficial to the lawyers fraternity only but also benefits the Litigants at large” Senior Advocate MK Bhardwaj further said adding, we have submitted a memorandum to the LG few months back and we were hopeful that the LGs administration comes up to the expectations of us but when seen no positive response to our redressal of our demands then we constrained to took to streets so that the LGs administration be awake from the deep slumber and addressed our genuine demands”, Bar president maintained. Lawyers fraternity divulged that if the LGs administration not do the needful in the days to come then lawyers fraternity left with no other option then to intensify the agitation.