Mohd Irfan
At a time when JK Bank make claims of transparency and accountability in providing hassle free services to their gullible customers but on the ground ATM installed of JK bank at Main Stop Janipur mostly remains out of order sometimes no slip, and some time temporarily out of service, Customers informed.

A group of Customer’s who make use of the ATMs divulged that there are two ATMs machines installed adding, but most often it remains out of the order citing the technical problems and no slip. It is beyond comprehension as to why the JK bank authorities not fixed the problem resultant there in the gullible customers are facing insurmountable hardships on account of non-functional ATMs.
Customers lamented that time and again this technical problem persist in the ATMs and they have to suffer on account of money transactions they have to do during time when JK bank closed. Even JK branch Main stop Janipur too situated there in but still the ATMs not working properly which mocked the very claims of the JK Bank authorities.
Customers who visited the ATM in main stop Janipur during evening hours narrated the woeful tale by saying as they entered the ATM today evening, they found that One ATM Machine out of order as it is written “SORRY I am temporarily out of service. When seen other ATM is working but sans Slip. Customers rued that they are fed up with ATMs not functioned properly in Main stop Janipur and now think of shifting to some other bank instead of JK Bank given the recurring technical error in ATMs, Customers seething with anger regretted.
Snapshot of the JK Bank ATM which has been clicked in the evening by the customer showing the ATM out of service at Main Stop Janipur. Official of the JK Bank asking not to be named said, “Whenever any customers face any piquant situation in terms of money transactions, ATMs not working properly we have already given the toll-free number on which aggrieved and dejected customers can avail that remedy and their very grievances be redressed at the very outset.”
When asked customers categorically says they time and again faced the precarious situation on account of ATMs not working efficiently and why is this persistent since long, Official in question divulged that these ATMs not worked or have error this results of the technical problem and as and when the JK Bank concerned authorities came to know they timely fix the same without any fail because Money is an essential services as such we need to provide hassle free services to the customers so that confidence of them be win after all, he maintained. On being asked that customers in Janipur feeling aghast over not working properly the ATMs, Official said Customers should apprise the Concerned JK Bank authorities about the recurring technical problems according to them which has become order of the day for which JK Bank authorities need to fix it at the earliest before it’s too late, official responded to the query of this scribe.