A scam of 13000 crore has been alleged when on the other hand it has been stated that only 800 Crore have been spent till August 2023, says Additional Chief Secretary, Jal Shakti Department, Shaleen Kabra
Avinash Azad
Deflating the claims made by former Commissioner, Secretary, J&K Jal Shakti Department (JSD) Ashok Kumar Parmar, in a letter addressed to the National Commission for Scheduled Caste (NCSC), alleging 13000 Cr rupees have siphoned in the implementation of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) scheme in J&K, the Additional Chief Secretary, Jal Shakti Department, Shaleen Kabra has said only 800 Cr rupees have been spent till August 2023.
Addressing media on Wednesday, Kabra said a scam of Rs 13000 crore has been alleged when on the other hand it has been stated that only 800 Crore have been spent till August, 2023. “But the public is being misled in both these aspects as neither any scam has taken place nor the figures given in respect of the expenditure are correct as the total expenditure in JJM as of 31st August is Rs.3088.30 Crores and every allotment/ contract has been awarded strictly following the process laid down in the GFR”, he told the pressers in Srinagar, adding that such allegations are complete nonsense and made by people who have no understanding.
All the works have been awarded through a transparent and competitive e-tendering system after the accord of Administrative Approvals and technical Sanctions (wherever required before tendering), he said. “The works have been allotted strictly as per the Financial Powers delegated vide S.0 15 of 2020 dated: 09-01-2020 and on the approvals of SBD and rates from the UT level Committee headed by the Development Commissioner Works, the senior most engineer in the UT, and with the consent of the District Jal Jeevan Missions (DJJMs) headed by the respective District Development Commissioners it may be noted that no contract has been awarded without e-tendering”. He added.

“The PHE used to allot all works departmentally, against the law laid down by the Constitution and the instructions, GFR, etc. During 2019, e-tendering was made mandatory. The initial attempt was made to allot these works on a composite tender basis. Since there was a very poor response due to limited capabilities in the UT, a revision was made in consultation with experts/ in accordance with guidelines. The results are there for everyone to see in terms of progress on the ground”, he said and added that the fact has been acknowledged in the letter dated: 20th July 2022 when the person was heading the department.
All the figures with regard to progress in the implementation of the JJM were being reported by the field Divisions on the IMIS and which is being captured and displayed on the said portal/ dashboard on a real-time basis, Kabra said. “All these details viz; physical progress, financial progress, water quality monitoring reports, etc. are available on the respective portals which are in the public domain. The releases and expenditures by the UT, scheme-wise, are available in the public domain on Jan-Bhandari, as the same is made through BEAMS”, he informed the media, rejecting claims of his predecessor.
“The progress is being monitored through IMIS only and no physical communication is being made in this regard. Any household tap connection provided is reported on the IMIS portal with Aadhar-based identification. The Pani Samitis monitor the progress in addition to the engineering officials, third-party monitoring agencies, and DPMUs”, he said.
“The schemes ongoing under different other heads are also being completed and an expenditure of about Rs. 210 Crore has been made under erstwhile NRDWP, NABARD, and JKIDFC Schemes. All these schemes shall be completed within the mission period. Due diligence has improved the execution of schemes under JKIDFC funding and a much smaller quantum is likely to be shifted from that estimated in June 2022-459 schemes costing about Rs. 783.72 crores”, the ACS JSD said.
“All the advisories received from the Anti-Corruption Bureau J&K have been circulated to the filed officers including Deputy Commissioners for strict adherence and for corrective actions, if needed to be taken. None pointed out any malpractices or allotment of tenders without following due process”, he mentioned, rebuffing any possibility of scam in the prestigious scheme.
“All types of pipes (GI, DI & HDPE) are being procured through transparent and competitive e-tendering and as per the provisions of GFR/ manual for procurement of Goods 2017 A dedicated UT level Purchase Committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Development Commissioner Works, the senior most engineer in the UT, for approving the SBD and the rates before the supply orders are made by the competent authority as per SO 15 of 2020, dated 09-01-2020”, he clarifies.
“The purchases have been made under the existing rate contract within the provisions of Manual for Procurement of Goods 2017 after higher rates were quoted by the bidders in the fresh tender issued in this regard and to save time required for fresh tendering process, the existing rate contract has been operated by the CE PHE Kashmir on the approval of the UT Level Purchase Committee and after the decision of 6th Apex Committee Meeting within the provisions of Manual for Procurement of Goods. It is estimated to have saved about Rs. 72 Crores besides timely availability of GI pipes”, Kabra said in response to the purchase of GI pipes.