Where shall our society heading to?
Mohd Irfan

Even in Schools our females are being molested and one such glaring incident came to fore in Kashmir. If in education department such type of Molestation cases emerged this would really condemnable at all. How safe the Female students given such type of horrible Molestation case reported. In some instances it has been observed that molestation cases not been reported on account of threatened of dire consequences by the accused.
This incident has shaken the conscience of humanity and brought the heads in shame as how dared the Principal in question who mustered courage and guts that without any fear of the law resorted to molestation to his, own student. Reports divulged that principal in question even made calls at the dead of the night to his Female teachers and students meaning there by indulged into sexual Harrassment.
If such incidents takes place then How the Female’s teachers and students feel safe in the educational institutions. In the case in hand being the Principal who is the head of the institution if resorted to such vulgarity how condemnable it is one can conclude. Whether the School Principal dont know that if he would booked under Molestation case he would face rigours of the law? Whether School Principal thought being head of the institution and influential he would scot free from the clutches of the law? Even moot question is that the Principal not ever thought that at night made calls to the teachers and later he would have to make eye contact with them. How reprehensible it would be that Principal in question have such type of mentality that crossed red line and not cared about the sentiments of teachers? There is dire need for introspection at this crucial juncture before it’s too late. As there is saying Nip the evil in the bud. So, it’s high that we as a Civil society condemned this horrific incident to the core so that it would acts as a deterrent for others who think of resorting to such devilish acts. Sooner we acts the better it would given the environment which is prevailing as of now in the given set of educational institutions.
The author is practicing lawyer at High Court Jammu