Earthquake of the intensity 5.4 on the richter scale today occured in UT of Jammu’s Doda, Kishtwar and Bhaderwah district at about 1.33 PM. Earthquake created fear Psychosis amongst the masses across the three districts given the massive damage reported in government offices, Sub district Hospital in Gandoh and two government Schools in Kishtwar district.
As per reports administration of Doda, Kishtwar and Bhaderwah pressed men and machinery into service to accessed the damaged occurred on account of the earthquake. About twenty one houses developed cracked due to the earthquake. Government schools damaged due to the earthquake and damaged to the extent of about 1 lacs has been accessed so far.
It is pertinent to mention here in that this Zone of Chenab valley being prone to seismic zone IV and V meaning there by that those areas which falls under Seismic zone IV and V having apprehension of devastating earthquake to occurred. Few months back also earthquake rattled the Jammu and Kashmir at about 10: 20 PM and there in people in fear rushed out of their homes to safer places. Even Two weeks back also in Kashmir also people ventured out of their homes on Sunday due to earthquake.