Chairman Waqf Board Dr Darakshana Andrabi since the day she taken over the reigns of power of this Post several initiatives have been taken.
Mohd Irfan

If the head of the Family keep vigil coupled with check the affairs in his family it would be much appreciated meaning there head of the Family should know that his subordinates are working within framework and not violate the terms and conditions of the Family in respect of indulging into some marital affairs, drugs company etc what we observed these days which has now become order of the day as the youths fell prey to bad society rather there are several attenuating factors for the same for which I don’t want entered into that arena now.
Waqf board which is constituted with a sole motoo to over see the functioning and affairs of the different shrines over the years rather this act came into force in the year 1995 when the state government ruled the erstwhile state. As there are several properties of the waqf board across the UT of Jammu and Kashmir and waqf properties also give on rent by the waqf department but the rent which the waqf get is meagre that is hardly Rs 100 -800 as those ones who run the different businesses on the waqf properties they earned good amount of money but in turn they paid peanuts to the Waqf board this all came to fore only when Dynamic and Charismatic Chairman Dr Darakshana Andrabi during her visit to different waqf properties apprised the media about the startling revelations that how less rent these tenants are paying resultant there in Waqf department are in losses despite huge properties of the waqf properties are given on rent bases.

Even as per reports it divulged that Dr Darakshana Andrabi during his visit to Chenab valley and peer Panjal roughshod the shoppers who are using the Waqf properties but in turn paying meagre rent to this Shoppers divulged that no one increased the rent as such we carried on with the same.
Recently Waqf board taken serious note of scores of Complaints of the People that economically rich ones seeking forcible donations on the name of different shrines to which Waqf board bans the same by issued a order in this regard.In order to discouraged the Malpractices of these miscreants who under the garb of shrines mint money and not Utilized the same for the development of the shrines this has led to incurring losses for the waqf board. As such on receipt of recurring complaints by the people that when they visited the shrines Care taker of Shrines who have been given the name of ‘Mujavar’ they instead of utilizing the money for the shrines for obligation cast upon them but due to free hand given by the Waqf department prior these caretakers takes ample benefits as such make hay while the sun shines.
In pursuance to this order of ban on forcible collections of donations in Shrines, this order has been widely hailed across the different sections of the society as they termed that these Mujavars at their own whims and fancies misappropriated the donations with no check by those at the helms of affairs as such due to freedom given to these Care takers they are ruling the roost since several years thanks to lackadaisical approach on the part of the successive regimes but now under the leadership of Dr Darakshana Andrabi being the head of the waqf board across the UT of the Jammu and Kashmir she wants to bring reforms in the Waqf board meaning thereby accountability and transparency so that the very purpose for which the waqf board is constituted achieved desired results. This we say surgical strike on these care takers who considered themselves that the shrines are their fiefdom and none can dare to oversee them but now with the LG administration taken over the reigns of power things have changed now.
It has also been seen that Dr Darakshana Andrabi herself during her whirlwind toured to Chenab valley and peer panjal reviewed the functioning of the Waqf department and passed a several directions to the Waqf officials to tighten the noose on the defaulters in terms of encroaching Waqf properties it should be retrieved with due procedure of the law and those ones who failed to paid the rent of the Waqf properties they also be taken to task and expressed her anguish and displeasure over the less rent given to the Waqf properties used by the people when there is hike in prices of properties of all kind across the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.
Need has arisen to check Madrassas operating across UT of Jammu and Kashmir as it has been seen that those ones who become the head of Madrassas they when came to buy donations from the people they vociferously stated that for the upliftment of the Madrassas as there in students from different areas are taking Islamic education as such donations be given for their welfare but it has been learnt that instead of utilising the donations in its right perspective for which it has been sought for donations for Madrassas are not utilized properly and same donations gone into the kitty of those ones who run these Madrassas. So in order to ensure transparency and accountability in respect of proper utilization of the donations of Madrassas the Chairman Dr Darakshana Andrabi needs to check upon the same at the earliest so that very purpose of collecting donations for Madrassas being served properly.