Urge LG to transfer case of Tehsildar Bahu to CBI
Mohd Irfan

DDC Member Suchetgarh Taranjeet Singh Tony today came down heavily against the bureaucracy for leaving no stone unturned in shielding the Tehsildar Bahu who has been under suspension on the charges of corruption.
“50, 000 bribe amount has been caught red handed by the ACB on the complaint of the complainant and even also recovered during investigation receipts which indicated that the Tehsildar Bahu has bought Gold jewellery to the tune of Rs 10 lacs and even the tainted official in question also possesed land measuring 10 Kanals in which three palatial houses are constructed.” Tony vociferously stated while talking to a local News portal.
Tony Singh asked from where so much amount the Tehsildar Bahu in question amassed, when at the Same time our LG reiterated zero tolerance against corruption but if such official continue to be in government department he would loot the state exchequer.
Is this not the fit case to be declare as Deadwood asked Tony? He demand that Tehsildar bahu should be terminated from service so that it should acts as a deterrent for others who too indulge in the neck deep in corruption. Sooner the LG acts the better it would be in order to restore the confidence of the masses in the UT level administration where in bureaucracy is ruling the roost and calling the shots or better we called one man army.
When asked by the Milan time reporter How to terminate the Tehsildar bahu, to this Tony vehemently replied that those sitting in the corridors of the power vested with the powers to terminate him,” he lamented.
“I want to asked the Governor is this not the fit case to be declare the dead wood,” asked Tony. “Bureaucracy making every effort to Shield Tehsildar Bahu who was caught red handed and it has been learnt that pressure has been build on the ACB to weak the case as well as on witnesses to turn hostile”, he said, taking a jibe against the government for extending favour to the corrupt Tehsildar bahu.
Tony went to the extent of saying that there is one big shark sitting in the civil secretariat and he is leaving no stone unturned to shield Tehsildar bahu because he fully knows that Tehsildar bahu punished then head likely to roll for him.
The DDC Member elaborating further on the corruption allegations against the Tehsildar bahu divulged that Tehsildar bahu used to said that he gave crores of rupees to several persons resultant there in he can posted here in on this coveted and lucrative post. Not only that even Tehsildar bahu also he gave money to for DCs marriage and bought air tickets of some officials in order to kept them in good humour, Tony Singh revealed. He making passionate and Sympathetic appeal to his excellency LG Manoj Sinha to transfer the case to CBI which will surely open the Pandora’s box given the bureaucrats are involved in neck deep in corruption.